Hermann-Lietz School - Haubinda
Westville Girl's High School, Durban, South Africa
Phorms Süd
ISG Jubail is a not-for-profit, KG to 12, international school serving the American community as well as the needs of the diverse international population in Jubail, Saudi Arabia. ISG Jubail offers an American standards-based curriculum capped by the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.
ISG Al Jubail is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools which is accepted and recognized throughout the world. As a whole, student SAT10 standardized test scores average well above the US national norm.
ISG students represent over 70 nationalities. ASD, BSD, ISG Jubail, and SVS are staffed primarily with Western-trained educators. ISG Dammam school meets the needs of a multinational student population with a multinational and highly qualified teaching staff.

Shanghai Jazz Band Trip
What Teja, one of my students had to say:
I was blown away the moment I stepped out of the Shanghai Pudong International Airport. A strong gush of strangely shifting winds hit me as I stumbled with my suitcase. Ninth grader, vegetarian, only child stuck with eighteen other mostly unknown jazz band players in a completely foreign atmosphere for the first time. Good idea?
Everything around me screamed perfection in the most oxymoronic and paradoxical ways. During the bus ride to our apartment, I couldn’t help but admire the construction of this city. On one side, there are skyscrapers that look down on us. On the other side, there are lowly houses that look dark and centuries old. I was once again flabbergasted at the city layout and busy atmosphere. In Jubail, Saudi Arabia (where I have resided for fourteen years), seeing a single soul on the street is as rare as an unmelted ice cube in the Sahara Desert. I study in ISG Jubail. My parents decided to send me on a jazz band trip to Shanghai. Our band teacher worked here for a few years and this trip was to perform in different schools across Shanghai. This is how I ended up here. During my time in Shanghai, I have learned three things: To let go and be free, music is my passion and that performing is definitely my number one career choice.
I am a very organized person — I have a mild condition of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. As I entered my room in our rented apartment, I had a miniature heart attack seeing things strewn all over the place. No one bothered to do anything about it and instead, began to be a part of the mess. At first, I too was appalled and tried my best to clean up the place. Then, I let go and learned that being messy at times is good.
Speaking of messy, I have a pretty messed up list of passions I would like to consider for the future. On one of the nights, we visited the JZ Club — which is a legitimate jazz club. We watched a group perform. Their band consisted of a keyboardist, bassist, drummer, and a trumpetist. Most of the songs they played were their own compositions. The keyboardist was one to admire. He played two keyboards simultaneously — effortlessly switching hands from keyboard to keyboard. If that wasn’t hard enough, he did other percussion playing with his feet. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to compose my own music and simply, music is the thing I am most passionate about.
Our trip consisted of five concerts. We played fifteen songs every concert. The best part was the learning. By playing and playing and playing the same pieces over and over again, I was able to perfect even the slightest, insignificant errors. During the span of these five concerts, I ended up playing six solos — five improvisational and one written solo. I now know wholly: “Without music, life would be a mistake.” — Friedrich Nietzsche.
The moment I stepped back into the Shanghai Pudong International Airport, strong gush of strangely shifting winds hit me as I stumbled with my suitcase. Ninth grader, vegetarian, only child stuck with eighteen other mostly unknown jazz band players in a completely foreign atmosphere for the first time. Good idea? Yes, definitely.
Teja Balasubramaniam

"Rainer is a dedicated teacher who has been able to find a way to build wonderful relationships with students throughout his teaching days here at our school. Students truly enjoy his class when they are with him."
Dan Mock - Principal
ISG - International Schools Group Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia

What My Students Have To Say About Me:
Dearest Mr. Langhans,
How are you doing? We all miss you very dearly, and we did not realize how amazing of a teacher you were until your replacement arrived. It is quite unfortunate that this year's band does not have a proper rhythm section anymore - I dropped Jazz Band after a disagreement with Mr. Larson. He does not allow Chaeyeon to play piano, and the only guitarist is in another grade which makes it hard to practice with him around. Now that I have vented my frustration (my apologies for that), it is with humble pride that I inform you I will be graduating tomorrow. Thank you for the best trip of my life so far - our trip to Shanghai. You have allowed us to forge incredible memories that will linger in our hearts until we part with this world, and I merely wanted to thank you for being such an incredible human being, teacher, mentor, and father to us all.
P.S. I am a beast at guitar now, and can improvise fairly well. We should jam when we get the chance. :P :)
Feras Ataya - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 12 - 2017
Dear Mr. Langhans,
What we appreciate about your class is that you are strict and chilled at the same time.
Reimundo Shabana - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 9 - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
What I appreciate about your class is your calmness.
Sally Lee - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 6 - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
You are a special person because you are extremely enthusiastic about music.
Danya Hashim - ISG Al Jubail -Saudi Arabia- Grade 6 - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
You are a special teacher to me because you see the best in all of us students, even when we sometimes give you a hard time to do so. What I love most about your class, I really like how you are very understanding about dead lines, and also how you teach us music theory and use the piano to help us picture it better. I really like how you teach and play with such a passion. Thank you for being the best possible music teacher ever.
Vuslat Topal - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 8 - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
I am really sad about you leaving. You have taught me a lot of songs, such as "Smooth" and "Oye Como Va" and more.
John Almudin - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 6 - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
You are a special teacher to me because you have introduced a new world that became a passion, destiny, my heart & soul, which is music and I appreciate it. I learned how to express myself through music, and to me, band is home. Thank you for teaching me the world of music. I wish that you wouldn't leave but I am happy for you.
Aminah Zufa'izal - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 6 - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
You are a special teacher to me because you made me like an instrument. What I love most about your class is the music and generosity. Thank you for being great and I will very much miss you.
Charlie Henderson - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 6 - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
You are a special teacher to me because you have taught me a lot of things in a short amount of time. I am sure that no other teacher could do that so well. I love the concert ensemble. They are so good! Thank you for teaching me a lot of things.
Matthiew Laurent - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 6 - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding. We' re so proud of the accomplishments Shahd has achieved because of your teaching, encouragement and supervision. We even sometimes unconsciously hum the catchy parts of "eye of the tiger" or "blue machine" or others. We didn't enjoy the school concerts as we enjoyed them this year, and will truly miss you a lot. We wish you and your family all success in your career.
Best of luck,
Fatma (Shahd Abou Senna´s mum) - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
I will miss you a lot. Thank you for giving me all of these wonderful and awesome opportunities. Thank you for teaching me so many things, and being so nice and kind to me during these past two years. I have noticed that I have improved a lot from the beginning of the year due to your help and guidance. I loved playing with the ISG Jazz Band. I loved the Thursday rehearsals. I loved everything!!!!! This was so far the best experience of my life. This was a great opportunity working with you. I never wanted you to leave, but I respect your decision. Thank you for everything! I know we will never have a perfect band teacher like you, but at least many other people will get the benefit from your school, and I hope you will always remember us at ISG Al Jubail. Thank you for letting me grow as an artist. Thank you for everything. I will always keep practicing the trombone, as you made me enjoy playing it by encouraging me to play the trombone.
Shahd Abou Senna - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 6 - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
I want you to know, that you will be missed by everyone at ISG Al Jubail, including me. You are a great teacher, you just know exacttly when and where to push people a little bit when needed. Which is amazing. You made me learn how to play the flute , but in 5th grade whenever I played my instrument I sounded terrible. Firstly I did not know how to read notes properly - Secondly, I did not know where to place my fingers. properly. But today I feel like I am playing my flute more fluently. My parents noticed a major improvement whenever I play the flute, but that is thanks to your encouragements. I would really like to thank you with the bottom of my heart for helping me and I really hope you will have a great time whereever you go.
Leen Al Harthi - ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 6 - 2016
Dear Mr. Langhans,
I have truly enjoyed my time spent in Jazz Band with my members, and even though there were challenges, together we pulled through wonderfully. I have gained so much experience, and skill under your service. Also, I would like to apologize for sending this email rather late. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing us to have such experiences, and making heartfelt memories through Jazz Band. In your class, we learnt not only about music but about friendship, and teamwork. It has been a pleasant time with all of you.
Batrysia Nurul Hashim- ISG Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia-Grade 10 - 2016